
Hey there! I’m Kat, Transformation Coach & Spiritual Guide

Aquarius Sun, Virgo Moon & Pisces Rising, lover of all things Harry Styles & Taylor Swift, big matcha girlie and a little too obsessed with
New York City... oh and I live to help go-getters make their dreams a reality through the Universal Laws of Creation.


I was $70K in debt, working a dead end job for minimum wage and completely lost personally & professionally...

But, before we get into that story, we gotta take things way back... like back to childhood kind-of-way-back. I grew up in a household with alcohol abuse where I never truly felt safe. I was brutally bullied for being overweight, I was constantly changing who I was to fit in with the popular girls, I had serious #daddyissues & spent a lot of my time either hating myself, trying to figure out what was wrong with me or numbing out completely… I never felt like I was “good enough”, "smart enough", "pretty enough", etc, I felt like I was fundamentally flawed.
Due to the trauma I experienced growing up, I learned how to create a facade for how I actually felt as a protection mechanism/survival strategy. I masked daily so that from the outside looking in, it seemed like everything was fine, but on the inside I felt stuck, discontent, unworthy, broke & for periods of time completely hopeless.  
Yet, deep down, I could hear a little voice inside myself that knew that I was made for so much more than the subpar existence that I was living, but I had no clue what I was supposed to do with that voice…
I did all I thought I could do to try & "find myself"... I tried soul searching just like people do in books & movies, I tried to make more money, I worked my ass off, got promotions, tried to "settle down", get a good apartment, save money, check off the boxes of what society told me would make me “successful”… 
And when none of that made me happy, I decided to try out the opposite end of the spectrum... I dropped out of university, moved cities, chased emotionally unavailable boys, alcohol, drugs & partying, all in hopes that it would fill the void & pain that I felt inside of me.

*spoiler, this wasn't the solution lol*

I spent the first 20+ years of my life looking for something outside of myself to “fix me”, but nothing worked...

I had what felt like a heavy & dark suitcase full of limiting beliefs, traumas, self-sabotaging behaviors, and repressed emotion that I was always trying to find a way to escape from. 
So I picked my life up & moved across state lines, hoping that the move would give me the "fresh start" that I had been looking for. I thought starting again in a new city was the solution to my problems. The idea was that I could rebuild my life without all of the shit from the past, but little did I know at the time, all of it was going to follow me...
That is when I hit my rock bottom.
May of 2019, I reached my personal dark night of the soul. I was scared, I felt hopeless, I didn't know how life could continue to move forward, and I didn't want to tell anyone how dark things were for me mentally, emotionally & financially. I wasn't a particularly spiritual person at the time, but I started to pray. I didn't know to who or what, but I was on my last leg of hope that there was something that could pull me out of the dark state I had been living in.
On the morning of June 21st 2019, I miraculously woke up from a night of partying that I didn't think I'd wake up from… I laid on the floor of my apartment, not remembering how or when I got there, when suddenly I felt a massive wave of light wash over my body.
I immediately got up off the floor, ran to the bathroom mirror, looked myself dead in the eyes & said to my reflection “Kat, you have the power to change your life… so why haven't you yet?”
It was in that very moment that I made the decision that life couldn’t & wouldn’t ever be the same again. It was in that very moment that I made the promise to myself that I was going to do everything in my power to radically transform my life.
I had heard of this whole “manifestation”, "spirituality" & "healing journey" thing, but honestly in the past I thought it was a bunch of bullshit. I pushed away the signs & synchronicities that would show up in my life that were trying to guide me to go on my own healing journey no matter how many times it showed up in my day to day life. But in that very moment, it was clear to me that I couldn’t keep pushing it away, it was time for me to pay attention.

It was on that day that I realized that in order to live a life you've never had, you have to do things you've never done. It was on that day that I decided I was going to do things differently than I ever had before & I was going to work on healing from the inside out.

It was time for serious change

I made the promise to myself that I would create the life of my dreams no matter what it took...

And fast forward to now… I have done just that.

I went from complete rock bottom, feeling hopelessness, $70K in debt, working 60+ hours a week at a dead-end job, living paycheck to paycheck, full of self-hate, insecurity, fears & trauma; to now, living a life that is greater & more abundant than any dream I could have ever imagined for myself. 
I went from living a reality where I was stuck in toxic patterns to now living a life with complete freedom in time, location, finances, mind, body & soul. 
I went from believing that life was a sick joke that we were all forced to play, to now believing full-heartedly that life is a gift that you have the opportunity to live and create by design every single day.
I went from being a barista who was not making enough money to get by to now being a multiple 6-figure entrepreneur who owns & runs the business of my dreams. A business that in the past 4 1/2 years, helped 500+ women step into their power, release their past, own their story & manifest the life that they have dreamed about as well.
I am so passionate about the work that I do & the life I've created because I know that there are so many people out there that feel the way that I used to… 
I want you to know that if you do or ever had felt this way; stuck, stagnant, scared or like you'll never be able to have the life that you dream of... you are not alone and you have the power to change it all.

If I can do it, you can do it. You are meant for a life that is wilder than your wildest dreams & if you are ready to start that journey, I would love to help guide you. Check out the "Services" page to learn more about how we can help you transform your life.

P.S. if you are still reading this, I love you & I believe in you.





I was the Grand Champion of Goat Showmanship at the Colorado State Fair in 2007, so I'm kinda a big deal...


When I was a kid & was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my only answer was
"The Queen of England" #queenenergy


I dreamt of living in New York City from the age of 14... at age 25 I manifested that reality & it's the best thing I've ever done.


I don't care to watch any TV shows or movies unless there is a love story involved in it... I am & always will be a sucker for happy endings.